Dear Apostles of the Returning King and Friends,
There have been many changes for us here at the Apostolate, as indeed I’m sure there have been for you and your loved ones during these months of lockdown. Like many other organisations, we have experienced a decline in income as our summer events and programs have been cancelled. We want to thank those of you have have donated in the past and those of you who continue to donate regularly to the Apostolate. Your support is what allows us to continue the crucial work that we do.
I realize that times are difficult for everyone but I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider helping our work now. Our reserves are very low right now so if you can help us in any way, we would be so grateful.
I assure you, we have not been idle despite the changes. It has been very busy here with running online courses and filming a new series with Anne on Contemplative Prayer. If you would like to hear more about the work we have been doing please watch this recent video. If you can’t listen to it, there are subtitles!
We know that our work is crucial to the times. Would you consider becoming a monthly donor? Even a small contribution each month helps us to keep the lights on, literally. If your finances have become uncertain, and you feel you cannot commit to becoming a monthly helper, perhaps you make a one-time donation?
We hear the testimonies coming from people to whom you’ve spread the Apostolate. Keep up this good work because this is what spreading the Gospel Message looks like for us in this time. We are confident that God needs this work to grow. Please help us if you can.
Again, I want to offer my gratitude for those of you who have answered my previous appeals. We know that God will continue to provide for this Apostolate, but it requires your “yes!” Know that we are praying for you and all your most special intentions here at the Soul Sanctuary.
God bless you all!
Fr. Darragh