Starting December 1, 2004 on the first of every month, Jesus has sent a message to all of his apostles around the world. These messages contain direction, wisdom, encouragement, consolation and joyful hope for God’s people. People from all over the world have commented on how these messages have felt like personal letters from Jesus to them each month. The last monthly message was given to Anne on August 1, 2012.
We continue our cycle of monthly messages for 2024 with the September 1, 2008 Monthly Message for our prayer groups and personal reflection.
September 1, 2008
Dear apostles, I want you to know joy. Eternal joy will be yours in Heaven, of course, but I want you to know joy now, during your time of service. If you do as I say, as I am asking you, this heavenly joy will become more and more available to you and you will share this joy more and more freely. You will be a true representative of Heaven in your joy and others will be attracted to the Heaven that you represent. I want you to believe me when I tell you that you can trust me. If you could not trust me, dear apostles, why would you continue to follow me? The answer is that you can trust me, of course, or you would fall away as others have fallen away. You do trust me. You rely on me and you are safe with me. You have made a wise decision by putting yourself into my care. It is always the best decision to rely on the one who loves you perfectly and holds, in his heart, the perfect plan for your time on Earth. Why would you let fear diminish your joy? Why would you let anxiety for yourself or others eradicate the joy that is available to you in the present moment? My dearest apostles, you live in the present, not the future. If the present is difficult, I am there. If the future becomes difficult, I will be there, too. You will not be abandoned and your loved ones will not be abandoned. Ultimately, the greater the trust in me, the greater the joy in each moment. I want you to abandon fear. I want you to cast yourself into the providence that surrounds you. Fear is a snare for you or I would not treat it so seriously. Ask me now for greater trust and I will give it to you. Ask me for greater joy and I will give that to you, also. It is important that others see in you an accurate reflection of the graces Heaven makes available to apostles. Do not hide these graces away. Let these graces flow out from you to those around you. Share what is good, dear apostles, not what is bad. Share what comes from me and you will help to draw others back into our family. I am telling you that I have greater graces available to you so make me happy and ask for these graces. You will be blessed with all that you need and joy will be yours. Be at peace. I will never abandon you.
August 1, 2008
My dear ones, I am with you in your struggles. How can I help you to understand that your struggles are necessary to your holiness? Perhaps you should simply trust me and view your struggles as evidence that I continue working to perfect your soul. If there were no struggle, my little apostles, there could be no possibility of advancement. This is a time to make great gains in holiness but gains are only possible with effort. I am making every effort toward you. Are you making effort to move closer to me? Ask yourself today and each day, “Where is God asking me to be holier today?” Perhaps it is charity, perhaps patience, possibly trust, maybe you should practice concentrating on your holiness and refrain from examining the work needed in others. Oh, my dear apostles, if you could only see how desirable holiness is to Heaven. If you could only see how beautiful you are when you are looking up to Heaven with an honest desire to become holier. When you become distracted, my heart sighs. And yet I am patient with you. I know that my little ones want to serve me. I know that my little ones struggle to absorb the truth about holiness. And that is why I am patient. I am patient because you are trying. Continue trying, dear apostles. Walk bravely into holiness. Be fearless in examining your condition. If you do so, I will surround you with love so that you do not become discouraged, but emboldened. You will become emboldened to strive for greater and greater heights of holiness and greater and greater heights of humility. How Heaven will rejoice as the King’s apostles relinquish their ties to the world and attach themselves more fully to Heaven’s work. Heaven’s work will always involve two goals, one, the holiness of the apostle, two the coming of the Kingdom. My apostles must concern themselves primarily with their holiness and then I, the King, can best see to the coming of God’s Kingdom. Be at peace. Rejoice. I am with you and my plan is advancing.
July 1, 2008
My heart never stops loving. Not for a moment does my heart stop craving love in return. I crave love from you, my dear apostle. You love me, I know. You serve me with steadiness, I know. “What is it that Jesus wants from me that I am not giving?” I will tell you. I want you to show me that you understand my love for you by trusting me. I am hurt when you do not trust me. Look at your time of service. Would you agree that I have provided you with everything you need to see to your part in my plan? Would you agree that I have given you consolation when you were afraid? Have I not guided you when you were unsure? What have I withheld from you? You are growing in holiness and I am answering your prayers for your loved ones with heavenly prudence and steadiness. The part you are called to play in my plan is important and I need your service but I would never ask you to serve to the detriment of your holiness. If you are not increasing in holiness it is because you are not allowing me to direct you. Perhaps you are increasing but not as quickly as you would like. That is another matter altogether. It is for me to decide how quickly to advance you. It is for you to cooperate. I am speaking today so that I can urge you forward. My apostles must be willing to benefit from the guidance I am sending. You must sit in silence with me each day, asking me where you can improve in holiness. What habits are you holding on to that you need to relinquish? What new habits should replace them? Apostles, it is not to stand still that you are called, but to move forward in holiness. This advance is necessary for these times or I would not be calling you to it so seriously. I am looking for you to change. I want you to grow. Many of you are saintly now, walking closely with me in each day. I rejoice in you, it is true. You know that I do. And yet, I allow you to remain on Earth, to work, yes, but also to become even holier. One of the ways you can become holy in a short time is by trusting me in everything. A small child does not worry about one meal shortly after they have been fed another. They trust their parents to provide for them, particularly if they have never gone hungry. You, dear apostles, have never been without my providence so there is no reason for you to fear. You can trust me. I have proved this to you many times. I desire that you serve in joy and confidence and only through trusting me will that be possible. Return my great love for you by trusting me in everything.
June 1, 2008
I am here, with you at all times. I watch you struggle for holiness and I encourage you to continue along on the path you have chosen. When you are discouraged, you sometimes look to other paths, chosen by other people. From where you are looking, their path might look smooth and easy, happy and fulfilling. Perhaps their path does not include the sacrifices that you find are necessary to travel along the path I have marked out for you. Perhaps their path does not appear to be as steep, as filled with obstacles, and perhaps their path appears to include more worldly acclaim and acceptance. Poor little apostles. Here is what you cannot see when you admire the apparent easiness of the paths of others who are not chosen as you are chosen. You do not see that others, who have not made the same level of commitment, are not enjoying the same level of unity with Heaven. Yes, their struggle seems less. Yes, their rewards seem immediate and plentiful. But you have something that nobody else has in the same way and that is me. Nobody has the same relationship with me that you have. You are my beloved apostle and I love all of my apostles. But the love I have for you and the plan I have for you is unique. It will never be repeated. I need you to continue on in your service to me. I need you to remember that you are called to live differently, that your life, which may not be proceeding exactly as you planned, is proceeding exactly as I planned. Can you accept this? Can you remind yourself that you have allowed your Savior to navigate your earthly journey? Can you rejoice in the path that I have marked out for you, even if it includes suffering? Please, my beloved apostle, try. I will help you with this. Rejoice in your apostolic commitment to me. I will send you graces in each moment. These graces are unrepeatable, meaning that if a person rejects my grace in this moment, that grace moment cannot be recaptured. Time passes while you are on Earth. Opportunities also pass. You are taking advantage of your time on Earth for the family of God and for your loved ones and for you, yourself. You are so precious to me. I am caring for you, I promise. When you are tempted to discouragement, remember that I am with you in each moment, sending perfect graces and blessings to you and through you. Be at peace in my will for you and I will protect my plan for you. You are loved by all of Heaven and you are loved by me.
May 1, 2008
Dear apostles, my heart is bursting with love for each one of you. Indeed, I cannot contain the love that I possess for all of mankind. Many reject my love. They are not open to accepting love directly from my heart. You, my beloved apostles serving in this time, do accept the love of the Savior. You rejoice in my love. You allow my love to transform you into carriers of Heaven’s healing plan for humanity. Because so many reject me, I give in a ridiculously lavish way to those willing to accept me. Many of God’s children, living in the sadness of sin, will not admit that God could offer them anything of value. They are closed to my love for them and they are closed to my plan for them. But these people will, nevertheless, accept kindness from you, God’s apostles. They will accept good example from you, God’s apostles. Ultimately, if my plan is successful, they will accept love from you. The love they find in your heart will belong to me because I placed it there. When the people around you are loved by you, they experience me. This works because you are connected to me each day through your apostolic pledge and through your apostolic service. I have told you in the past that you bring light to a dark world. I want you to know, dear loyal apostles, that the light you bring is changing the world. We, those of us in Heaven, see the light growing. Some of you begin unsteadily. You are not certain that you are called. My beloved one, I am speaking to you now. Listen to me. You are called. You are chosen. You belong in this family and I need your help. I do not ever want to be apart from you again. It hurts me to be apart from you and it hurts you to be apart from me. Only I love you perfectly. If you remain close to me, I can continue to love you in such a way that you will value yourself as Heaven values you. You are not perfect. It is true. I accept this about you. If you believed you were perfect, my beloved friend, you would be no good to me. Far better for every one of my goals that you believe you are flawed. Believe in my perfection. Be willing. Together we will bring an unstoppable flow of love into the world. I rejoice in your love for me, dear apostle. I want you to rejoice in my love for you. If you do this, you will show others an accurate example of the peace that comes from resting in the Savior. Rejoice in your heart. I am there and I love you.
April 1, 2008
My dear apostles, I speak to you from my heart, the seat of love. I speak to you freely at this time to teach you about love. I desire that each of you accept my love, which includes love from all of Heaven. Those who are lukewarm and do not accept my love cannot help me in my goal of renewal. Those who are concerned with establishing their kingdoms on Earth will lose opportunities to seed the renewal each day. Those who postpone a full commitment to my goals will find that they are sadly disappointed later, when they realize how important their service was to me. I rely on my apostles to be passionate about service, seeking always to store up heavenly treasures in the souls of those around them. Truly, no kind word, no compassionate silence, no act of love is lost. Each of these is both used immediately and preserved eternally. I understand that you are tired at times. I understand that you become discouraged. I understand these things because in my humanity I experienced these things. I allow these feelings in my beloved apostles because their service to me then becomes even more beneficial. Rest assured that you have been given all that you need in strength and courage for each day’s service. There is no difficulty, from Heaven’s perspective, in an apostle serving in weariness. Most apostles served in weariness and the weariness that an apostle feels does not mean that the fire of the Spirit is at risk of being extinguished. Have no fear about this because I myself tend to the presence of the Spirit in your soul. This fire has been expertly banked so that it will burn for as long as it needs to burn. Some day you will be finished with your service on Earth. The tasks that I need from you will be completed. This will be a joyful day for you. You will see all that you have accomplished for me. Yes, weariness comes and goes, but love creates stamina that keeps the servant and the service steady. In the time to come I intend to increase the capacity for love in each apostle. This is necessary for Heaven’s goals and will enable my beloved ones to serve with even greater dedication and humility. I will teach you more and instruct you closely in the use of this gift as time passes. This heavenly concession will greatly increase the effectiveness of my presence in your soul. I am so grateful that you seek to remain close to me. Rejoice, dear apostles. I am with you.
March 1, 2008
My dear friend, you will learn so much about love in Heaven. You will look back at your time on Earth and you will understand that many things that occurred to you were both exercises in love and opportunities to love. Love can be misunderstood in the world. Those who follow me, my beloved apostles, seek to master love as I did, in sacrifice. It is true that love creates joy. But when we take on love, we also take on a holy burden which must then be carried. We should not decide for love and then, finding that love burdensome at times, set it down and walk away from it. This is not how it is done. On the contrary, if you love as I loved, you will find at times that the weight of love is heavy. I experienced this on Calvary when I carried my love for you to my death. Did I make the right decision, to pay the ultimate price for love? Yes, I did. What else would I do, given the wonderful creation that is you? In the same way, I want each of my apostles to expect his love for me to be a burden to him at times. This is normal. I want each of my apostles to expect his love for others to be a burden at times. This is also normal. In love, there are times when the decision to love feels light, of course, and there seems to be no burden at all. Rejoice in these times. In love, there are other times when the burden causes you to question your commitment. Do not be afraid of these times. The questioning is necessary for your growth. I experienced this, too. I was tempted toward an easier way. When love is tried this way and triumphs, that love becomes firmer and less likely to be disappointed later. Welcome the challenges to love, even while you decide for love. I will be with you in each situation, counseling you to humility and gentleness. View each challenge as a worthy exercise, allowed by Heaven to teach you about eternity. See the opportunities to love all of those around you, particularly those whom you find it difficult to agree with at times. Please do not be alarmed when you are disappointed in love, when others fail you. This was also my experience and this will also benefit you because it will help you to learn forgiveness. I will bring you to greater holiness with each experience if you remember that I am with you and that I love you perfectly and completely. From the secure place that is my heart, you will go forward with self-assurance, confident that you are cherished. This confidence will express itself in an increased ability to love those around you. Be at peace, dear apostles. My plan is such that you will learn to live like residents of Heaven. All is well.