Annual Calendar Drive
Calendars are one of the most requested items from prisoners. Through this rescue mission we welcome the incarcerated to the love, assistance, and forgiveness of Jesus. We are able to provide a little thread of communication and connectedness with Heaven. Our hope is to provide calendars free of charge to the incarcerated, in the faith that Jesus will comfort these adolescents and adults and one day is able to use them in his ministry.
Dear Apostles of the Returning King and Friends,
Our 2025 Calendar is now in stock! This year, our calendar features beautiful images of Our Lord, Our Lady, Padre Pio, St. Therese, St. Francis, and more. Also featured are the messages from the writings of the Apostolate, and Catholic Saint Feast Days. It will serve as a wonderful addition to your wall, refrigerator, or office desk. It is also a great gift and a gentle way to introduce others to the Apostolate.
Stock is limited, and there will not be a reprint, so we suggest you order your calendar today!
Each year, the proceeds from the Apostolate Calendar help support our outreach to those who are incarcerated. We print and mail thousands of them to over 85 prisons around the United States. This is primarily the work of one ARK, Pamela Robertson, who heard a call to bring the writings of the Apostolate into prisons. Nearly a decade later, she is still spearheading this ministry and the calendar project continues to grow each year!
“It is all about heavenly service, so you must assume that Jesus needs you to serve exactly where you are” (St. Francis of Assisi, July 25, 2005).
The letters we receive from prisoners overflow with gratitude. Some prisoners even send us donation checks of the few dollars they earn to sponsor other prisoners, or request materials be sent to their family members. They are evangelizing from within prison walls, exactly as St Francis instucts in the prisoner booklet.
For the past few years, we have been offering the option to purchase a calendar for prisoners. Select the “Buy One, Give One” option below and we will ship you one calendar and mail another calendar to a prisoner who has requested one. Each year we receive hundreds of requests from prisoners. With your help, we hope to send a calendar to every prisoner who asks!
If you would like to support prison ministry through this calendar project, there are many ways you can help in addition to purchasing a calendar. We provide these calendars free of charge to the incarcerated with the faith that Jesus will comfort these adolescents and adults through his words and the words of the saints, and through that, invite them into ministry.