Andrew Montpetit from Michigan is one of our 3000 registered ARK!
I was introduced to Anne’s writings and the Apostolate as a sophomore in college in 2006. When it comes to anything dealing with private revelation, charismatic movements, or anything of the sort, I’m typically more skeptical. Indeed, as someone who leans slightly more traditional in the practice of my Catholic faith, I’m far more averse to the typically sensational nature of such movements. However, I remember being completely struck by the first message I read from Jesus in Volume Two in the way it was written and how deeply personal and relevant it was to me and my life at the time. Even though anyone else in the world could have been reading that same page, it read as if Jesus himself wrote me a very personal message that was meant specifically for me alone. It was also striking how mature, calm, and simple the message was, while conveying a great deal of depth and eloquence at the same time. It also completely lacked the sensational hallmarks I’m used to in such writings even though the subject matter was exceptionally profound in its wisdom and substance. There was something about the writing that was completely, genuinely unique so much so that it obliterated my usual skepticism in an instant.
So profound was the impact of this single message that I bought an entire set of available Volumes (Volumes Five and Eight hadn’t been released yet) and poured through them for months afterwards. At first, I was enamored with the excitement of the very explicit messages and insight from Jesus, God the Father, our Blessed Mother Mary, and many of our most beloved saints. However, over time and remaining close to the work of the Apostolate, I realized a far deeper purpose for the mission in which the messages were only a part.
The world has become a far wilder, more confusing and dangerous place. Through the years, ARK has not only served as an anchor that has kept me grounded in the most trying and difficult times, but has also kept me from being dragged into the worldly distractions (even the seemingly good ones!) that leads many to take their eyes off of God and Heaven in order to bicker and grouse over lesser things. It has afforded me a peace I rarely see in others, a deep insight and confidence in how to grow in holiness and conduct myself for God while I’m alive, and even to do something as simple as not speak or ponder something more fully when a rapid and reckless response is demanded. It has allowed me to view others more compassionately and from a perspective that is positive, curious, and truly looking at what is best for them rather than seeking out any weakness or flaw in order to claim some kind of righteous superiority. I find myself even thinking more like Jesus, who seeks to draw our enemies and those we find repulsive, uncomfortable, or merely different than ourselves to the ocean of infinite love and mercy that is available to all. It is VASTLY different from the way the world demands we think, which is governed by ideological dichotomies that divides us against each other and demands retribution and swift vengeance on anyone who would even think differently. Our Church and, indeed, our God firmly rejects this worldly thinking, and the Apostolate of the Returning King helps in the great work of drawing people away from this mentality so as to more fully put on the loving mind of Christ. I have certainly experienced such a transformation. Even when I pray I am able to enter more fully and authentically in my relationship with God. Without question, the Apostolate has made me a far better, more faithful, and holier person that I would have been without it.
I have been with ARK for almost 18 years, and I couldn’t be more thankful. Anne’s writings and the works of the Apostolate has been a foundational and critical part of the formation of my adult faith. Far from taking over, replacing, or distracting me from Catholicism, the Apostolate of the Returning King has vastly deepened and solidified my understanding and practice of my faith everyday. It has not only greatly affected me, but every single person I have interacted with since I read that first message back in 2006, which includes my family, friends, and even my enemies. I praise God for ARK, the unfathomable blessings he has afforded the world through it, all those who have worked (and continue to work) tirelessly to support and sustain this mission, and for the faithfulness and submission of Anne, God’s humble servant, whose “yes” has produced such marvelous and life-giving fruits.
Helen Rochford from Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland is one of our 3000 registered ARK!
In October 2004, a great friend and confidant gifted me my first two Volumes. I had been praying about how to introduce people to the person of Jesus Christ and from the moment I started to read, I knew this was the answer. Immediately I wanted to read more and knew these were writings I would and could happily share with others. In January 2005 I was blessed to meet with others who were discerning how to distribute these Volumes in Ireland. From then on a few of us met each month to read, reflect, and share from a Volume. In May and June 2005, the guidelines for the Apostolate were established and the Trim ARK Prayer Group became a reality.
The teaching, advice, and encouragement found in the writings is so practical. The most important truth is I am loved as I am, Jesus is with me always, not at a distance but right beside me wherever I am (Volume Two, August 28, 2003). I have found and keep on finding passages which help me to live in the moment, keeping me calm and at peace (Volume Four, January 21, 2004). So often I feel ‘this was written just for me.’ One can go back to the Volumes and other writings of this Apostolate over and over and hear the messages in a whole new way.
When disheartened, words of encouragement and comfort are found. I will always remember reading the wonderful promise in Volume Two about God’s plan to raise up a tidal wave of Christians to reclaim the world. It was so helpful, I memorized it. This passage together with the promise given on May 12, 2005 in which Jesus promises the complete conversion of each of my loved ones are two key writings which drew me right into the Apostolate and help me stay on track.
An apostle of the Returning King is never alone. One of the great blessings is being part of an ARK Prayer Group. Each member brings their unique gifts and insights to the meetings. There are many places in the writings where we are reminded of the value of the team (Serving in Clarity, November 2 and 11, 2006).
For me, ARK registration was stating what was already a reality. In a time of great change I am linked with the prayer, love, and support of Heaven and of fellow pilgrims as we climb the mountain together. Registration is recognizing the truth; I am part of the greatest renewal the world has ever known and I am part of the tidal wave of Christians referred to in Volume Two (Volume Two, August 17, 2003).
Holiness was often portrayed in the past as some lofty way of living, removed from everyday realities. The teachings of the Apostolate are so practical and down to earth. Holiness is about my way of being, how I listen, my tone of voice, how I react to people and situations which are challenging. It’s a way of living immersed in everyday life which reflects Gospel values.
Love, Helen
Orlando Aso from Pennsylvania is one of our 3000 registered ARK!
My mom, who was the most humble, joyful, and kind person I’ve ever known, had a strong devotion to the Blessed Mother. She would wake up at 4am every morning with her Aunt (my Lola) to pray the Rosary. After she passed away in 2002, I began to pray the Rosary everyday and entrust myself to the BVM in the same way that my mother did. On my new-found faith journey, I started to visit Marian shrines and in 2005 I came to Medjugorje. My search led me to Anne’s first book (I believe it was Climbing the Mountain) and I was jolted by its spiritual content. I had never read anything quite like it. I have been following the Apostolate ever since, initially behind the scenes at my own pace, but in recent years in a more direct and public way. I feel the Lord and his mother are asking me and all apostles of the Returning King to give greater witness to this rescue mission for all souls.
I have been blessed through the Apostolate in three ways.
First, taking The Backpack Program and Fathers of the Church courses have helped me to be more kind and gentle with myself and others. I’ve learned to accept imperfection and understand we sometimes act uncharitably because of our interior wounds.
Secondly, the Volumes have helped me to find personal holiness in my family. By reading Anne’s writings each day while taking care of my elderly father for several years, I came to better understand the divine value of carrying my cross of service quietly while also gaining a deeper reverence for my dad’s offering of physical suffering, up until his recent passing.
Lastly, I’m extremely fortunate to be part of an amazing ARK Prayer Group. We try to meet twice a month. One meeting is focused on fulfilling our ARK duties by saying the Allegiance and Vocation prayers, saying the Rosary, and reflecting on the Monthly Message. The second meeting is more free-form where members share what they’re grateful for, offer their personal prayer intentions, and talk about the joys and sufferings that come from daily life. I think it’s the last part which has really helped me to deepen my faith and trust in the Lord. I literally feel like I’m in the presence of holy apostles — not perfect people, but constantly striving to do our best in difficult circumstances.
I believe it’s important for me to be a registered ARK because it demonstrates in a public way my commitment to Christ. The messages are of extreme importance and are full of great hope. But for this hope to be realized, we can’t be passive or part-time spectators. We have to be willing to serve in a deliberate way through this Apostolate. Registering is kind of like saying I’m putting all my poker chips into the middle of the table, so to speak, and trusting in God when the cards are flipped over.
Hilda Reynoso, our Spanish Outreach Coordinator, is one of our 3000 registered ARK!
The first time I had the grace to find the writings of the Apostolate of the Returning King was in 2015 in a chapel of Perpetual Adoration, while I waited for my daughter to finish a game of volleyball.
I was amazed when I saw in the chapel a display with a variety of colorful books with messages from Heaven speaking to people in desperate or difficult situations.
I was so curious that as soon as I got home I visited the book’s website and to my surprise, that weekend there would be a retreat in Chicago with the team of Direction for Our Times. Something told me that I had to do everything possible to be there, and so I went.
I discovered an immense treasure — the voice of Jesus speaking to all his children with specific direction in these times of confusion, bringing us his kingdom and returning to each of us, no matter how distant or how confusing our situation could be.
Since then, the Apostolate has been a beautiful guide that has helped me to discern what I should do, how to live my faith, and above all how to share it. The Apostolate brought to my family life, my community, and my personal relationship with God, new paths and divine surprises yet to discover.
Registering as an ARK brings a daily experience of God’s Kingdom that is infinite and always new. It is to live his divine will here on Earth. How could I live without this joy?
Emily McGuinness from Florida is one of our 3000 registered ARK!
I first came across The Apostolate of the Returning King when I was in my second year of high school in 2015. My mom handed me Volume Two, which she had received from a friend of hers. I flipped to a random page and was astonished by how Jesus’ words were exactly what I needed for that day and in that moment. I continued reading Volume Two in this way nightly, until I had read and re-read every message. I felt like Jesus was specifically speaking to me, and that he, the God of all, loved me and wanted a personal relationship with me.
During my first year of college, I proceeded to read Volumes One through Ten, utilizing the free online library on the Direction for Our Times website. My faith blossomed profoundly. I began going to daily Mass and sitting before Jesus in the Eucharist. Each locution that I read struck me to my core and helped me through times of loss, loneliness and suffering as a teenager and young adult. I learned how to give my hurt to God, and practice using my spiritual muscles by trusting him more and more.
In the summer of 2018, I had the opportunity to attend a program that the Apostolate hosted for young adults called The Way (formerly School of Holiness) in Ireland. The Way offered The Backpack Program where I learned about my relationship with self, others, and God. Learning how to pray contemplatively was life-changing for me – to be able to communicate with Jesus in an unobstructed manner where I could be myself and discern his will. This transformed my understanding of the writings. By the end of The Way, I felt closest to my true self and excited about God’s plan for my life.
The writings and works of the Apostolate have advanced me along my journey in holiness in ways in which I’ve never dreamed possible, and will never fully understand until I reach Heaven. The Apostolate has provided me with formation, guidance and gentle correction that I wouldn’t have otherwise experienced without this important movement in the Catholic Church. Great graces and blessings are available to us in these works. I am so grateful to God that he loves us so much and desires to communicate with us in this way, in this time, through Anne.
I registered as an Apostle of the Returning King because I know Jesus is calling me to be a part of his beautiful plan for renewal in this world, and it is my commitment to him. Being an ARK serves also as a reminder and a commitment to myself. Each day I give everything to God, strive to treat others with his patience and kindness, and let Heaven replace my thoughts with heavenly ones. Being an ARK means that we, who are called to serve in this Rescue Mission, are united throughout the world in our sufferings and joys. I am so grateful to Anne, Fr. Darragh, the DFOT team, and every ARK for saying ‘yes’ to God and preparing the world for a time of great renewal.
Katherine Paredes from Texas is one of our 3000 registered ARK!
I was introduced to the Apostolate of the Returning King around 2006. A friend of mine gave me a copy of the book, Climbing the Mountain by Anne, ARK. I received this beautiful book at a time when I had been studying Eastern mystical traditions such as Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism. In my studies, I found a wonderful emphasis on meditation and the practice of virtues such as compassion, forgiveness, trust, service, gratitude, and kindness. What I discovered in Climbing the Mountain made my heart leap with joy. I found that what I love so much about Eastern spirituality has been present within my own Catholic tradition all along. Anne’s books, all of the stunningly loving and profound locutions, and the Backpack Programs have helped me go deeper into my own Catholic spiritual tradition.
I feel as though The Apostolate of the Returning King is guiding me in how to be a kinder, more loving, and less judgmental person. I have most definitely learned the power of prayer. I can’t begin to tell you the number of seemingly hopeless situations I have come across that slowly, quietly, but absolutely consistently become manageable when prayer is introduced into the equation. Through ARK, I have been reminded of the power of the Sacraments, most especially the Eucharist, building a yearning within me for God’s will to be done.
In looking at myself, I can see that it has been extremely helpful for me to be registered as an Apostle of the Returning King. Jesus has made clear, through his locutions to Anne, that he needs our help to return! Incredible as that seems to me, I do believe it and I so deeply want to help. So I seriously try to keep my commitments and therefore I have gone to Monthly Confession (one of the five guidelines of the Apostolate) when I probably wouldn’t have otherwise. I have said the Allegiance Prayer and Vocation Prayer daily when I otherwise would probably have forgotten. I have sat in Adoration which has turned out to be an enormous benefit to myself and others, and I have tried to practice kindness. I feel Our Blessed Mother is keeping me informed on how well I am or am not keeping my commitments! I would not trade her feedback for anything.
I feel as though I have come full circle. I started out as Catholic but felt something was missing. I feel I have found what was missing in The Apostolate of the Returning King. Praise God! And further, I feel I have found a way to help in this sad and weary world, doing my little part so that our King may return!
Bonnie Crandall from Florida is one of our 3000 registered ARK!
As I contemplate how to articulate the impact this Apostolate has had on me, so many memories fill my mind. Where do I begin? Maybe at the beginning?
Two weeks after caring for my father at end of life, my best friend and her husband asked if I would be interested in attending a Eucharistic Day of Renewal in Clearwater, Florida, about 2 hours from my home. She gave me Volume One to read prior to our trip. Still in a grieving state, I didn’t open the book until our ride to Clearwater. That day changed my life forever. The more I read of Jesus’ messages in the car, the more excited I became to hear what Anne had to say. The mission was in its infancy at the time. As Anne spoke, something about her and what she was saying resonated in my heart. I could feel the Lord stirring emotions in me, igniting my heart with His Words I knew were meant just for me (as every ARK will attest to, the intimate relationship with Jesus is undeniable!). I had not been to Confession in over 20 years and I had never felt such a strong prompting to get up out of my seat and confess. I was scared to death as my choices to that point weren’t stellar. After confessing to a priest Jesus led me to, I knew in my heart I was truly forgiven.
From that point on, a window was opened and I saw more clearly than ever before. My journey led me to starting a blog, Adventures of a Lay Apostle after gathering testimonies of ARK all over the world in my first book Heavenly Healing. My daughters then inspired me to publish a young adult book of testimonies called Can You Text Me Directions. The writing bug continued, and with the skilled writing of several ARK I have come to know and love, we put together two digital books, A Lenten Frame of Mind and An Advent Frame of Mind. Every story touches hearts that only Jesus can speak to.
This Apostolate has formed the woman I am today and led me to the love of my life who walks with me every step of the way to Heaven. Several of our daughters are committed ARK and have introduced the mission to our grandchildren. Two of my sisters are committed ARK and spread the messages when Jesus asks. Jay and I have lead an ARK Prayer Group for over 11 years now and since 2020, continue our monthly ARK Prayer Group via Zoom. We are always open to new members joining us at 7pm ET on the second Tuesday of the month to pray the Luminous Mysteries and read the Monthly Message. If you would like to stop by virtually, email me at any time!
We love and cherish Anne, Fr. Darragh, the DFOT staff and every single ARK we have been blessed to meet. I know our “yes” to Jesus and this Apostolate help spread the love of our Heavenly Father, making this world just a little bit better, one ARK at a time.
Michelle Marvian from Delaware is one of our 3000 registered ARK!
I am a 56-year-old Catholic wife and mother of many. Although I had a powerful reversion in 1997, the effects of a traumatic childhood made it hard to believe in God’s unconditional love. I knew it in my head, but it had not penetrated the recesses of some of the places in my heart. Self-reliance and self-loathing were a constant theme.
I found DFOT during the Covid pandemic and read the Prophecy Pack. They spoke directly to the crisis both within and without!
There is not time or space to cover every grace, but I will try to share a few things that I have been given.
I am calmer and it is noticeable. My perspective is more of a heavenly one.
I am less judgmental. Getting to know God better has resulted in getting to know and appreciate myself more – and to accept that I am imperfect, which of course helps to accept and appreciate others for the same reason. It reduces the need for control.
With the help of The Backpack Program and Contemplative Prayer classes, my prayer life is transforming from a “performance” to an encounter. I have a better understanding of how the brain works and why we need boundaries in our relationships. They have been a map and a formula for living out a life of faith more closely aligned to God’s will and my vocation.
I have a better understanding of the importance of forgiving both myself and others. Asking myself why I did this or that thing and offering myself mercy. Again, it goes out to others.
I hesitated to register as an ARK because I was afraid that I would not be able to follow all five guidelines right away. I was reassured that my best effort would be enough. As I go along, I can hit the mark more fully.
Being a part of the renewal of the Church is one of the best opportunities I have ever been given. In all the uncertainty, being an ARK has given me a sense of belonging and purpose.
The Apostolate‘s three charisms: Compassionate Listening, Learning and Teaching the Catechism and Promoting Unity are so needed in our time! It is truly the best direction for our time. A Divine Mercy.
Do not wait until you have “arrived” to join. You will not regret it!
Maurilio from Milan, Italy is one of our 3068 registered ARK!
I came across Direction for Our Times on the internet in February 2010. In June 2010, upon re-reading Volume Two, I took Jesus at his word about his promises, began to sit at his Eucharistic presence and experienced rapid healing over the course of a couple of weeks. This prompted me to share the graces attached to this revelation with my parents, so I translated short selected texts for them, but then I realized that translation for the Italian-speaking public at large was needed. My official involvement in the work of the Apostolate began in February 2011.
Maurilio, a faithful ARK has dedicated himself to the translation of the writings into Italian for over 12 years.
Sarah from Connecticut is one of our 3077 registered ARK!
A year after I graduated from Franciscan University (2007) a good friend of mine gave me Volume One. The writings had really resonated with her and she thought they would do the same for me. I can still see myself pouring over Volume One and wishing it would never end. Each part of the Volume spoke so intimately to my heart. I knew as I read that I would be involved with this Apostolate for my whole life. I don’t think I can describe the devotion that welled up in me as I was first introduced to these writings. I experienced a peace and calm, the same peace that I still feel when I read the Volumes. As the years went on I considered myself a student of the Apostolate, reading over the books and Volumes several times. In more recent years I have learned so much from the Contemplative Prayer and the Mothers of the Church courses.
I have been blessed in so many ways by the Apostolate but the one I will highlight is the formation I have received. I had two opportunities to spend some extended time in Ireland volunteering with the Apostolate. Even though this was over ten years ago these are times I continue to draw on in my current life as a wife, mother, friend, and therapist. The Apostolate takes into account the whole person, spiritual, emotional, and psychological. It’s a “leave no stone unturned” kind of process, examining deeply one’s heart and thought processes. Doing this all in the loving arms of the Father. It has been, and continues to be a transformational journey to holiness.
Registering as an ARK was an organic next step in my journey with the Apostolate. I consider Direction for our Times a home or place of belonging. One of my favorite Monthly Messages is from November 1, 2010. Part of it reads, “Think of someone whose companionship you crave or whose companionship you craved in the past. Just the thought of spending time with that person could bring you consolation. With that person, you felt comfortable, safe and there was joy. You could be yourself and felt you fit well with this other. Dear apostle, for you, I am that other. For me, you are that other. We fit together.” I fit with Jesus and I also have felt this belonging with the Apostolate. I know I have a seat at the table with Direction for Our Times. I will always be grateful for that.
Meg from Washington State is one of our 3085 registered ARK!
I first came across the Apostolate back in 2009. At that time, I was receiving a Marian newsletter in which some of the messages were being reprinted. I found myself waiting impatiently for the next issue to arrive so I could read more of those profoundly personal and beautiful words from Jesus and Mary. I knew these messages resonated with truth and were a source of healing and direction – but I had no idea they were part of a larger Apostolate until several months later. God has his timing!
Jesus’ words touched me deeply and I began to share the Volumes and writings with everyone around me. In those early days, I didn’t fully realize my own need for deep healing. Like many who experience childhood trauma, maturity and self-awareness were definitely not my strengths. God certainly had to roll up his sleeves on this apostle. With the help of courses like The Backpack, Mothers of the Church and Contemplative Prayer, I began to change, and my life became easier, calmer, and the deep wounds that were the source of negative choices that hurt myself and others, began to heal.
Our Lord didn’t waste a moment and soon we had a beautiful new ARK group in my parish. During the pandemic, we organized online courses for friends and family and recently completed our second session of The Backpack at our parish. To say the Apostolate has been a blessing would truly be a vast understatement in my case. My life has changed dramatically, and God continues to heal, guide, and correct me through daily contemplative prayer. My two teenagers are both ARK and they amaze me with their courage, humor, and goodness.
I registered as an ARK because I wanted to be counted among this group of brave men and women from all over the world who are answering God’s unique call to holiness and renewal. Registering also gives me the opportunity to participate in the bi-weekly global ARK Conference Calls. Spending this time with other ARK while listening and learning from Anne and Fr. Darragh is a blessing all to itself. I’m incredibly grateful to be part of this ‘B’ team and thank God for the opportunity to serve alongside such dedicated and wonderful people.
Steve Seberger from Iowa is one of our 3090 registered ARK!
I met an ARK who lives nearby, and started participating in a monthly ARK Prayer Group at her invitation. I initially attended a few meetings in-person, but to save the 70 mile drive, I now participate by phone. I have read almost all of the publications, starting with the Volumes, and regularly log into the bi-weekly online ARK Calls with Anne. Most recently, I ordered hundreds of copies of the booklet, An Invitation, and have made them available to my entire parish in both Spanish and English. I love the idea of inviting ALL people to come and spend time in the presence of Jesus.
Besides the blessings I have received through all the messages from Jesus, Mary, and the saints, I give credit to the Apostolate for being a voice of peace and calm in our increasingly divided Church. Were it not for ARK, I would probably be right in there with those criticizing the Pope and much of the hierarchy. With the perspectives given to us by Anne and Jesus, particularly in the recent messages, I recognize the need to pull back and let God deal with the issues as he sees fit, while I try my best to counter the calls for division with calls for prayer, hope, and love.
May God continue to bless you all at DFOT and through your ministry to bless our Church and ultimately all of mankind.