Do you want to start a monthly lay apostle prayer group? It couldn’t be easier! There are only three elements:

1. The Monthly Message allocated for that month is read.

2. Recitation of the Luminous Mysteries of the rosary.

3. Two or more people gather once a month!


Q: Where should we meet?

A prayer group can meet anywhere from the kitchen table to a parish adoration chapel to a prison. *If you are going to meet in your parish you will need to talk to your priest.

Q: How long should it be?

A: As long as it takes you to read the monthly messages and say the luminous mysteries of the rosary. It is best to not over extend the length of time because this restricts people being able to come.

Q: How many people do I need to start a group?

A: Anywhere from two to two thousand!

Q: Can we add other prayers into our lay apostle prayer group?

A: We have found that it is best to keep a lay apostle prayer group simple. Remember, the Lord just asks that we read the monthly message and pray the luminous mysteries. Some lay apostles add in the allegiance prayer at some point during the prayer group, and this is ok.

Q: Does it matter what sequence we pray the rosary and read monthly message in?

A: No, not at all.


For further information an helpful links/resources regarding lay apostle prayer groups please click here 


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Office Hours 10AM – 5PM GMT
Phone: +353-49-437-3040


Office Hours 9AM – 3PM EST
Phone: 1-708-496-9300


If you have any further questions to do with starting a lay apostle prayer group, please contact us on the information above.