Dear ARK and Friends,
We would like to thank everyone who attended our Groundbreaking Event on June 22, 2024, both in-person and online. We are delighted to share with you the first talk given by Margaret McGahon.
In this opening talk (below), Margaret speaks about the complex history of Catholicism in Ireland. Focusing on survivors of abuse, Margaret helps us all to reflect on the experience of Catholics who have stayed in the Church despite the anguish of clergy abuse. Margaret goes on to capture the joy we feel as an Apostolate as we break ground and look toward the work we will do from our new headquarters (The transcript of Margaret’s talk can be found at the bottom of this page).
In the coming days, we will share the other talks given at this event from Kathryn Anne Clarke (ARK), Jim Towey (Trustee of the Papal Foundation), and Sean Dockry (Site Architect).
God bless,
Team DFOT.