Dear lay apostle,
We are delighted to let you know that after many years working to secure the building formerly known as ‘the abbey’ we are having the first public event at our new home, Tearmann Anama (Irish for soul sanctuary).
For the past ten years we have held our lay apostle prayer group at St. Anne’s Church in Bailieborough on the first Thursday of each month. Having St. Anne’s was a blessing for which we are extremely grateful and we have had many lay apostles from all over the world come and pray with us there over the years.
We now embark on a new chapter and continue with our first Thursday prayer group at our new home, Tearmann Anama.
Please join us for prayer, Adoration and Confession starting at 8pm GMT. Starting in April, the first Thursday will begin 7pm GMT.
We will not be live streaming but a video will be available online in the days following.
We look forward to welcoming all lay apostles who can come tomorrow and look forward to welcoming lay apostles from all corners of the earth in the future.